
google tag manager importance and benefits

google tag manager importance and benefits


  • Google Tag Manager (GTM) is a tool that allows digital marketers and analysts to implement marketing and analytics tracking codes more efficiently.
  • GTM helps manage tracking codes and enables marketers to make changes without relying on developers.

Benefits of Google Tag Manager

  • All tracking codes are stored in one place, making it easier to manage and find them.
  • Less dependence on developers, allowing marketers to add tracking codes themselves.
  • Faster implementation process compared to traditional methods.
  • Abundance of learning resources and support available.

Getting Started with Google Tag Manager

  • Go to tagmanager.google.com or search for “Google Tag Manager” on Google.
  • Create a new account or use an existing account and create a container.
  • Containers are like buckets where tracking codes are stored.
  • Set up the container for website tracking.
  • Agree to the terms of service.

Installing Google Tag Manager on Your Website

  • Copy the container ID from GTM.
  • Give the container ID to your developer to add to the website’s code.
  • The container code should be added to the head and body of the website.
  • Alternatively, use a plugin or built-in support for popular content management systems like WordPress.

Creating Your First Tag

  • Enable click variables in GTM to capture information about link clicks.
  • Create a trigger for the specific link clicks you want to track.
  • Create a tag configuration for Google Analytics 4 (GA4) event.
  • Paste the GA4 measurement ID and configure event parameters like link URL and link text.
  • Associate the trigger with the tag.
  • Test the Google tag by previewing it in GTM and checking if the events are fired.
  • Publish the changes once everything is working correctly.

Tracking Events with Google Analytics 4

  • Google Analytics 4 automatically tracks certain events like page views and user engagement.
  • Enhanced measurement can track additional events like video engagement, site search, and file downloads.
  • Recommended events provide suggestions for tracking specific actions like sign-ups and purchases.
  • Custom events allow you to track any event name and include custom parameters.
  • Test event tracking using the preview mode in GTM and check the debug view in Google Analytics 4.

Tracking Menu Link Clicks as an Example

  • Create a trigger for link clicks that contains specific classes associated with menu links.
  • Create a tag configuration for GA4 event and include event parameters for link URL and link text.
  • Use variables to fetch the values of link URL and link text.
  • Associate the trigger with the tag.
  • Test the tag by previewing it in GTM and checking if the events are fired.
  • Publish the changes once everything is working correctly.


  • Google Tag Manager is a powerful tool for digital marketers and analysts to implement tracking codes efficiently.
  • By understanding how to create tags, triggers, and variables, marketers can track events and gather valuable data.
  • Continual testing and troubleshooting are important to ensure accurate tracking and data collection.
  • Consider taking additional courses or resources to further enhance your Google Tag Manager skills.

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